The annual Boule Competition is taking place at Ty'r Winch Playing Field on Saturday 15th June 4pm.  £2pp for competition entry + bring your own picnic.



Mental Awareness Andrew1 story1 Flyer A4May 2024

Mental Awareness Cardiff event featuring John Flyer A4 May 2024


Mental Awareness Glow final Story Flyer A4 May 2024

Urdd's Fund for All, which this year will offer 300 free places at the Urdd's summer camps for children and young people in Wales. Specific places have been set aside funded by certain communities, but there are places left for any child or young person who is eligible. We would be grateful if you could share the attached leaflet within your communities so that this amazing opportunity reaches as many people as possible. Applications can be made on our website:


Fund for all Urdd Apr 24 1

Fund for all Urdd Apr 24 2






MONDAY 11th MARCH 2024

at 7:30pm – 8:30pm

 Please come along and have a say
on what 
you would like in your Community,
all ideas are welcome

Cardiff Council’s budget consultation is now live, closing on Sunday 4th February.

The following links will take you to the Council Budget page on Cardiff Councils website. There you will find information on the 2024/25 budget and the survey links.

Thank you.



“Promoting Sporting & Social Activities and Community Amenities”

(A non-profit distributing organisation)

Hello to all our supporters – young, not so young, present and future!

Events held at the Village Hall this year included the Spring Quiz in March, Race Night in April, Music & Dance Night in May, Autumn Quiz in September and soon Halloween Disco Night on 28th October.  Also, the Annual Boule competition took place at the Ty'r Winch Road Playing Field in June.

Our events at the Village Hall include a bar (club prices) and, included in the price of a ticket, a supper organised by our Members.  Our future events are posted on the Old St Mellons Community Council’s website and also on the noticeboards located around the village. 

We are always on the look out for new Members so please make contact, details below.  Membership of the Village Association is open to all who are interested in helping to provide both sporting and social activities and community amenities for Old St Mellons.  It is non-profit-making and all members join in a voluntary capacity.  It returns funds raised in the community to the community and has been doing so since 1974.  Recently, funding for two table tennis tables was awarded to the Table Tennis Club.



TEL: 07855114619

EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cardiff Hubs and Libraries runs a home delivery service that brings the library to the doorstep for residents who are incapacitated and can no longer travel to their local library independently, or carry books home.

This service is available to anyone with the following conditions:

  • illness,
  • infirmity,
  • disability,
  • post-operative recovery, or
  • long-term isolation.

Home visits are scheduled on a 3 week basis to deliver and collect ordinary or large print books, and audiobooks.​  Residents are initially contacted to discuss their needs and reading tastes and after that they either give the driver a preferred list of books, or the books are chosen by experienced and knowledgeable library staff.

Books can also be reserved online for delivery as soon as they become available.

This service is entirely free, covers the whole of Cardiff and contributes towards the Council’s Plan for wellbeing with the particular aim of supporting older people/carers and preventing loneliness.

Please are you able to raise the awareness of this service within your Communities by distributing the attached Welsh and English posters in buildings managed by the Community Council and/or including the information in any appropriate communications issued to residents through social media, webpages, newsletters etc?

Any actions/activities that you can undertake to promote this service within your remit of a Community Council would be very much appreciated and will hopefully bring benefit to the residents you represent.

If you require further information regarding this service, please​​​ contact our home delivery service on 029 2087 1333 or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.​.​

Home deliveries A4 poster CYM Nov 23Home deliveries A4 poster ENG Nov 23

How much would you pay for policing?

Precept survey launched giving residents the chance to ‘have their say’.

Did you know the Police & Crime Commissioner is responsible for setting the South Wales Police budget and deciding what further funds need to be raised from the additional charge on council tax?

This is called the police ‘precept’ and accounts for nearly one half of South Wales Police’s funding, with the rest coming from the Government. In setting the precept, the Commissioner consults with the local electorate through the ‘Our Police, Community’ survey which was launched earlier this month.

Responses to the survey will help the Commissioner decide what the public will pay for policing through their council tax in 2024/25.

Residents living in a Band D Property in South Wales currently pay £27.04 per month for policing, but over sixty per cent of residents in South Wales are below Band D and pay less and may also receive council tax discounts or benefits. Residents in South Wales currently pay the Welsh average for policing, which is significantly less than the cost of policing in North Wales.

Click here to have your say

If you would like to request a paper copy, you can contact us either by email, phone or post.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Phone: 01656 869 366 | Post: South Wales Police & Crime Commissioner, Police Headquarters, Cowbridge Road, Bridgend, CF31 3SU. 

 Police Poster Can we ask you something Nov 23 

Faint fyddech chi'n ei dalu am blismona?

Lansiwyd arolwg praesept sy'n rhoi cyfle i drigolion 'ddweud eu dweud'

Oeddech chi'n gwybod mai'r Comisiynydd sy'n gyfrifol am bennu cyllideb Heddlu De Cymru a phenderfynu pa arian ychwanegol sydd angen ei godi o'r tâl ychwanegol ar y dreth gyngor?

Gelwir hyn yn 'praesept' yr heddlu ac mae'n cyfrif am bron i hanner cyllid Heddlu De Cymru, gyda'r gweddill yn dod o'r Llywodraeth. Wrth osod y praesept, mae'r Comisiynydd yn ymgynghori â'r etholwyr lleol drwy'r arolwg 'Ein Heddlu, y Gymuned' a lansiwyd yn gynharach y mis hwn.

Bydd ymatebion i'r arolwg yn helpu'r Comisiynydd i benderfynu beth fydd y cyhoedd yn ei dalu am blismona drwy eu treth gyngor yn 2024/25.

Mae preswylwyr sy'n byw mewn Eiddo Band D yn Ne Cymru yn talu £27.04 y mis am wasanaethau plismona ar hyn o bryd, ond mae mwy na 60% o breswylwyr De Cymru yn byw mewn band eiddo sy'n is na Band D ac yn talu llai, ac mae'n bosibl eu bod yn cael disgowntiau neu fudd-daliadau treth gyngor hefyd. Yn Ne Cymru, mae preswylwyr yn talu'r gyfradd gyfartalog yng Nghymru am wasanaethau plismona ar hyn o bryd, sy'n is o lawer na chost plismona yng Ngogledd Cymru.

Cliciwch yma i ddweud eich dweud

Os hoffech ofyn am gopi papur, gallwch gysylltu â ni naill ai drwy e-bost, ffôn neu drwy'r post.

E-bost: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Ffon: 01656 869 366 | Post: Heddlu a Throseddu De Cymru, Pencadlys Heddlu, Pen-y-bont, CF31 3SU. 


Dear Member,

Ask Cardiff is an annual survey that gives people living and working in Cardiff and those visiting the city the chance to share their experiences of public services.

Last year almost 4,000 people shared their views with us - make sure your voice is heard.

By taking around 20 minutes to complete this survey, you will help us to:

better understand how people experience the city and our public services.

understand what is important to you and your local community.make changes and improvements to our city's public services.

Complete the Ask Cardiff 2023 Survey Here

You can enter the prize draw to win:

a family ticket to skate at this year's Winter Wonderland4 tickets for the Cardiff Devils, or one of ten £50 FOR Cardiff vouchers, which can be spent in a wide variety of high street shops and restaurants.

Thanks in advance for your help,

The Cardiff Research Centre

Annwyl Aelod Panel,

Mae Holi Caerdydd yn arolwg blynyddol a gynhelir gan Gyngor Caerdydd.

Mae’r arolwg yn rhoi cyfle i bobl sy’n byw ac yn gweithio yng Nghaerdydd a’r rhai sy’n ymweld â’r ddinas i rannu eu profiadau o wasanaethau cyhoeddus.

Y llynedd rhannodd bron 4,000 o bobl eu barn gyda ni – sicrhewch y caiff eich llais ei glywed.

Trwy gymryd tuag 20 munud i gwblhau’r arolwg hwn, byddwch yn ein helpu i:

ddeall yn well sut mae pobl yn profi’r ddinas a’n gwasanaethau cyhoeddus.deall yr hyn sy’n bwysig i chi a’ch cymuned leol. gwneud newidiadau a gwelliannau i wasanaethau cyhoeddus ein dinas.

Cwblhewch Arolwg Holi Caerdydd 2023 Yma

Gallwch gystadlu yn y raffl i ennill:

tocyn teulu i sglefrio yng Ngwyl y Gaeaf eleni4 tocyn i gêm Devils Caerdydd, neuun o ddeg taleb £50 FOR Cardiff, y gellir eu gwario mewn ystod eang o fwytai a siopau’r stryd fawr.

Diolch ymlaen llaw am eich help,

Canolfan Ymchwil Caerdydd


Hello Everyone 

On Saturday 28th October the Old St Mellons Village Association are presenting a Halloween Disco Night at the Old St Mellons Village hall, Newport Road. Fancy dress prizes, dancing to Totally Toby DJ, supper and bar leading to a super fun evening for all ages over 18.  Doors open at 7.30pm for 8pm start.

Tickets are £7.50 per person (includes supper).  Please book your tickets in advance as this will help the catering department.  Telephone Pam on 02920404533 or Hilary on 02920778678 or via this email.

Best Regards

Hilary Walkey Williams


As Halloween and Bonfire Night approach, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) is preparing for a busy time, aiming to make South Wales safer by reducing risk during this hazardous period.

Between October and November 2022, SWFRS saw the number of incidents they were called to attend due to fireworks doubled from the previous year. The risks around bonfires and fireworks are well known, and the Service promotes its key messages around safety and wellbeing every year in partnership with South Wales Police and Gwent Police. This year, the prevailing message is to “stay alert, don’t get hurt” during the Halloween and firework season.

Arson Reduction Team Manager at SWFRS, Mike Hill, said:

Every year, we attend incidents where members of the public are injured by fireworks and bonfires. We ask everyone, where possible, to attend organised displays that have safety measures in place.”

Organised displays

Firefighters and local authorities are holding organised firework displays for 2023, to make sure you can enjoy firework night safely.

Here are a few of the organised displays SWFRS are supporting this year: Please follow this link




Hello All

On Saturday 23rd September we will be putting on the Autumn Quiz at the Old St Mellons Village Hall.  Come along and test your General Knowledge.  Doors and bar open at 7.30pm and quiz commences 8.00pm.

Tickets which include a light supper cost £7 pp.  Please remember cash only for your drinks.

Kindly pre-arrange your ticket requirement by phoning Pam on 02920404533 or Hilary on 02920778678 or reply using this email. 

It helps the catering department if we know the approximate number of attendees.

Maximum Quiz Team of 8 people and look forward to seeing you on the night.

Another date for your diary is the HALLOWEEN DISCO on Saturday 28th October 2023.  Fancy dress is optional but really hope you do!

Best Regards

Hilary Walkey Williams