How much would you pay for policing?
Precept survey launched giving residents the chance to ‘have their say’.
Did you know the Police & Crime Commissioner is responsible for setting the South Wales Police budget and deciding what further funds need to be raised from the additional charge on council tax?
This is called the police ‘precept’ and accounts for nearly one half of South Wales Police’s funding, with the rest coming from the Government. In setting the precept, the Commissioner consults with the local electorate through the ‘Our Police, Community’ survey which was launched earlier this month.
Responses to the survey will help the Commissioner decide what the public will pay for policing through their council tax in 2024/25.
Residents living in a Band D Property in South Wales currently pay £27.04 per month for policing, but over sixty per cent of residents in South Wales are below Band D and pay less and may also receive council tax discounts or benefits. Residents in South Wales currently pay the Welsh average for policing, which is significantly less than the cost of policing in North Wales.
If you would like to request a paper copy, you can contact us either by email, phone or post.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Phone: 01656 869 366 | Post: South Wales Police & Crime Commissioner, Police Headquarters, Cowbridge Road, Bridgend, CF31 3SU.
Faint fyddech chi'n ei dalu am blismona?
Lansiwyd arolwg praesept sy'n rhoi cyfle i drigolion 'ddweud eu dweud'
Oeddech chi'n gwybod mai'r Comisiynydd sy'n gyfrifol am bennu cyllideb Heddlu De Cymru a phenderfynu pa arian ychwanegol sydd angen ei godi o'r tâl ychwanegol ar y dreth gyngor?
Gelwir hyn yn 'praesept' yr heddlu ac mae'n cyfrif am bron i hanner cyllid Heddlu De Cymru, gyda'r gweddill yn dod o'r Llywodraeth. Wrth osod y praesept, mae'r Comisiynydd yn ymgynghori â'r etholwyr lleol drwy'r arolwg 'Ein Heddlu, y Gymuned' a lansiwyd yn gynharach y mis hwn.
Bydd ymatebion i'r arolwg yn helpu'r Comisiynydd i benderfynu beth fydd y cyhoedd yn ei dalu am blismona drwy eu treth gyngor yn 2024/25.
Mae preswylwyr sy'n byw mewn Eiddo Band D yn Ne Cymru yn talu £27.04 y mis am wasanaethau plismona ar hyn o bryd, ond mae mwy na 60% o breswylwyr De Cymru yn byw mewn band eiddo sy'n is na Band D ac yn talu llai, ac mae'n bosibl eu bod yn cael disgowntiau neu fudd-daliadau treth gyngor hefyd. Yn Ne Cymru, mae preswylwyr yn talu'r gyfradd gyfartalog yng Nghymru am wasanaethau plismona ar hyn o bryd, sy'n is o lawer na chost plismona yng Ngogledd Cymru.
Cliciwch yma i ddweud eich dweud
Os hoffech ofyn am gopi papur, gallwch gysylltu â ni naill ai drwy e-bost, ffôn neu drwy'r post.
E-bost: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Ffon: 01656 869 366 | Post: Heddlu a Throseddu De Cymru, Pencadlys Heddlu, Pen-y-bont, CF31 3SU.